Horror Subgenres

Click on the links below to see the list of movies under each subgenre.

ANTHOLOGY — An anthology horror movie is comprised of multiple short stories or segments, each with its own plot and characters, often interconnected by a central theme or setting.

BODY HORROR — A body horror movie focuses on the graphic and often grotesque portrayal of physical transformation, mutation, or mutilation of the human body.

COMEDY HORROR — A comedy horror movie intertwines humor and horror elements, aiming to entertain audiences by delivering both laughs and scares in equal measure.

COSMIC HORROR — A cosmic horror movie explores themes of existential dread, insignificance, and the incomprehensible terror of the unknown, often featuring cosmic entities or incomprehensible forces beyond human understanding.

DISTURBING — A disturbing horror movie intentionally evokes feelings of unease, discomfort, or psychological distress through its unsettling themes, imagery, or narrative.

EXTREME — An extreme horror movie pushes the boundaries of graphic violence, gore, and taboo subjects, often aiming to shock and provoke strong emotional reactions from its audience.

FOLK HORROR — A folk horror movie explores themes of ancient rituals, rural superstitions, and the supernatural, often set in isolated communities or rural landscapes.

FOUND FOOTAGE — A found footage horror movie is presented as if it were discovered footage, typically shot by the characters within the story, aiming to create a sense of realism and immersion in the terrifying events unfolding on screen.

GORE — A gore movie is characterized by its explicit depiction of blood, violence, and graphic bodily harm, often prioritizing shock value over narrative depth.

GOTHIC HORROR — A gothic horror movie incorporates elements of romance, mystery, and the macabre, often set in decaying, atmospheric settings such as haunted mansions or isolated castles.

MONSTER — A monster horror movie revolves around the presence or threat of monstrous creatures, ranging from classic monsters like vampires and werewolves to original or mutated beasts.

NATURAL HORROR — A natural horror movie features the terror and threat posed by animals, plants, or natural phenomena, often exploiting primal fears of the environment turning against humanity.

PARANORMAL — A paranormal horror movie focuses on supernatural phenomena, such as ghosts or hauntings, to evoke fear and suspense among audiences.

PSYCHOLOGICAL — A psychological horror movie delves into the depths of the human mind, emphasizing psychological suspense, tension, and the unraveling of characters' sanity to evoke fear and unease in the audience.

RELIGIOUS HORROR — A religious horror movie explores themes of faith, spirituality, and the supernatural, often involving religious iconography, rituals, or beliefs as sources of terror and conflict.

SCI-FI — A sci-fi horror movie combines elements of science fiction and horror, often exploring futuristic or extraterrestrial threats to humanity, technology gone awry, or the unknown dangers of the cosmos.

SLASHER — A slasher horror movie is characterized by a serial killer or psychopath stalking and brutally murdering a series of victims, typically with a sharp weapon, often featuring themes of survival and revenge.

SUPERNATURAL — A supernatural horror movie revolves around paranormal phenomena, such as demons or cursed objects, instilling fear through the presence of otherworldly entities or forces.